NIS can be used to control access to NFS 'shares' as well to control login access to systems that support it. They can be used separately or in conjunction to varying degrees. NIS can also make it easier to manage where remote NFS shares show up in the local filesystem.
NIS helps to centralize the management and distribution of data that would normally be kept in various text files replicated on multiple systems. What does this mean?
Lets look at/etc/passwd
as an example:
root:*:0:0:Root,,,:/root:/usr/local/bin/tcsh www:*:33:33:www-data:/var/www:/bin/sh backup:*:34:34:backup:/var/backups:/bin/sh list:*:38:38:Mailing List Manager:/var/list:/bin/sh gnats:*:41:41:Gnats Bug-Reporting System (admin):/var/lib/gnats:/bin/sh nobody:*:65534:65534:nobody:/nonexistent smmta:*:102:104:Mail Transfer Agent,,,:/var/lib/sendmail:/bin/false smmsp:*:103:111:Mail Submission Program,,,:/var/lib/sendmail:/bin/false www:*:124:65533:WWW proto account:/nonexistent:/nonexistent braino:*:1001:100:Branislav P:/home/sgi/braino:/bin/tcsh marvin:*:1002:100:Marvin C:/home/sgi/marvin:/bin/tcsh steve:*:1044:100:Steve C:/home/sgi/steve:/bin/tcsh dk:*:1083:100:Donald K:/home/sequent/dk:/bin/tcsh kj:*:1094:100:Kevin J:/home/apollo/kj:/bin/tcsh helper:*:1123:100:Unix Help Sessions:/home/sgi/helper:/bin/tcsh mogul:*:1214:100:Bret Mogilefsky:/home/digital/mogul:/bin/tcsh celina:*:1270:100:Celina Salazar:/home/digital/celina:/bin/tcsh chen:*:1281:100:Thomas S.T. Chen:/home/digital/chen:/bin/tcsh stephanb:*:1364:100:Stephan B:/home/sgi/stephanb:/bin/tcsh andrewo:*:1390:100:Andrew O:/home/digital/andrewo:/bin/tcsh brianl:*:1446:100:Brian L:/home/digital/brianl:/bin/tcsh david:*:1449:100:David B:/home/sequent/david:/bin/tcsh ...
Say we had the same users on a dozen systems. Keeping all those passwd files in sync would suck. What if we could maintain all that in one place and say "get all these users' information from the central source"? Well NIS lets us do that.
Now let's look at /etc/passwd:root:*:0:0:Root,,,:/root:/usr/local/bin/tcsh www:*:33:33:www-data:/var/www:/bin/sh backup:*:34:34:backup:/var/backups:/bin/sh list:*:38:38:Mailing List Manager:/var/list:/bin/sh gnats:*:41:41:Gnats Bug-Reporting System (admin):/var/lib/gnats:/bin/sh nobody:*:65534:65534:nobody:/nonexistent smmta:*:102:104:Mail Transfer Agent,,,:/var/lib/sendmail:/bin/false smmsp:*:103:111:Mail Submission Program,,,:/var/lib/sendmail:/bin/false www:*:124:65533:WWW proto account:/nonexistent:/nonexistent +@users:::::: +::::::/bin/nopayment
What else can we do with this? We can also allow entry for individual logins:
root:*:0:0:Root,,,:/root:/usr/local/bin/tcsh www:*:33:33:www-data:/var/www:/bin/sh backup:*:34:34:backup:/var/backups:/bin/sh list:*:38:38:Mailing List Manager:/var/list:/bin/sh gnats:*:41:41:Gnats Bug-Reporting System (admin):/var/lib/gnats:/bin/sh nobody:*:65534:65534:nobody:/nonexistent smmta:*:102:104:Mail Transfer Agent,,,:/var/lib/sendmail:/bin/false smmsp:*:103:111:Mail Submission Program,,,:/var/lib/sendmail:/bin/false www:*:124:65533:WWW proto account:/nonexistent:/nonexistent +jon:::::: +lars::::::/bin/nethask +bira::::::/bin/notallowed +@users:::::: +::::::/bin/nopayment
So, I can login without having to be in a special netgroup, and Lars gets to login, but only to play nethack. Bira paid his bill, but did something bad, so even though he might be in the 'users' netgroup (because billing said he paid his bill), he's told that his account is inactive for doing something bad.
cusg-l (,allai,) (,ann,) (,ardeshir,) (,bira,) (,cspeerca,) (,diulama,) (,jkuroda,) ... cusg-c avner.eecs babushka.eecs bahia bokeh.eecs cusg-solaris zim.eecs ... zim.eecs (zim.EECS.Berkeley.EDU,-,) cusg-solaris mahler.eecs milhaud.eecs
There are four netgroups there - cusg-l, cusg-c, zim.eecs and cusg-solaris
- each with multiple members. The most basic form of a netgroup member is:
(host, user, domain)
In fact, you can have something like this: (, jkuroda, -)
and depending on what is looking at that netgroup member, it may only care about the host part or the user part. But for general sanity, in EECS, netgroups are either all users or all hosts. Also, netgroups can be nested -- that is, they can have other netgroups as members.
About that domain part, that's never used around here since we only have one NIS domain - the 'mammoth' domain - but it can be used to refer to users and hosts from other NIS domains. More info
Well for one thing, we can use netgroups to control who has access to a system
Remember those +lines in /etc/passwd?
+@yelick-logins:x::::: +@jwd-l:x::::: +@cusg-l:x::::: +@manager-logins:x::::/home: +:x:::::/usr/sww/share/etc/nologin
If a user's login is in the yelick-logins, jwd-l, cusg-l, or manager-logins
netgroups, then they may login to that system. Everyone else gets the "nologin" shell. Notice how for people in manager-logins, they don't get their normal homedirectory.
argus% ypmatch yelick-logins netgroup manager-logins (,ankit,) (,arnold,) (,asolar,) (,bonachea,) (,chsuc,) (,csbell,) ...
NFS shares can be exported to a list of systems, and our NFS servers can use netgroups in these lists.
% showmount -e coeus | grep -i jkuroda /vol/vol0/eecs/jkuroda all-c,cusg-c,iram-c,mill-c
My homedirectory is exported to the all-c, cusg-c, iram-c, and mill-c
So, as far as the NFS server is concerned, I can access my homedirectory on every system in those netgroups
A grad student walks in (or sends email) asking to be able to login into a system, say comix.CS.Berkeley.EDU. What are the steps involved in getting this grad student access to login into comix.CS.Berkeley.EDU?
Here is the most general list of steps:Well, first, who owns the system? We can use the IRIS Network Query Forms which should tell us which research group is associated with the system, but sometimes that may not get us a useful answer. If not, we can use the netgroup map and take an educated guess:
% ypcat -k netgroup | grep -i comix cusg-clients-2 cad.eecs chebar.eecs citrissrv1.eecs citrissrv2.eecs citrissrv3.eecs columbia.eecs comix ... ... yelick-c all-c aquarium brawnix camaro comix fa hemlock i lotus plane redwood ribbit saab si sophia comix (comix.CS.Berkeley.EDU,-,)
We can guess that Professor Yelick owns the system, so we can ask her:
Professor Yelick, Joe Grad has requested access to login to the systems in your group, is this okay? --Bob Helpful EECS Helpdesk
Now, when might we be able to assume that this is okay with Professor Yelick?
We know comix is in the yelick-c netgroup, so we can ask IDSG to export Joe Grad's
As it turns out, by unwritten convention, for every "-c" netgroup there is a corresponding "-l" or "-login" netgroup. So for Professor Yelick's group, there is a yelick-c netgroup consisting of the systems her group has, and a yelick-logins netgroup consisting of the people in her group. So we also ask IDSG to add Joe Grad